next up is Spitting Image Unfortunately this blogger has died, here is his obituary:
John was a long time contributor to News of the Weird, coconspirator and eventually primary blogger behind spitting-image.net, and the author of the original and brilliant Overheard Starbuck. Readers of this blog knew John as a generous sharer of information and a keen observer of American culture, and anyone who had the pleasure of receiving his e-mail valued him as a wise and honest friend. John was proud of the accumulation of this site, which shall remain, a spark of light among the constellations. I will dearly miss him."
Overheard Starbuck is worth a look. It does exactly what it says on the tin and is full of gems like this:
"He had motive and opportunity."---"And you have a tv set on which you watch cop shows. Seriously--who the hell talks like that?"
and this:
"It's almost like not being in a cult at all."
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