It started here at The Whole Buffalo.
Blogscotch is a game I dreamed up over a coffee one afternoon although I cannot believe that no-one has thought of it before. There must be million variations of it out there already.
Blogscotch is about hopping across the web one blog at the time. It could be called blogfrog (like leapfrog) or blogging stones (like. you know..) but it's called blogscotch because it is not just about hopping. The idea is to hop from one blogs blogroll onto another blog, pick up something interesting from that blog to post, then click on that blogs blogroll. And so on, forever or until I get bored (very likely) or run out of blogs (as if)
I was actually 8 posts down the line before it occurred to me to set up a separate blog - so the next 8 posts are just pasted over from The Whole Buffalo.
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