From motorwaymap I found a link to Owen Massey's Mappers Delight. I must say, I do like a good map.
This one is a projection of what the London Tube Map will look like by 2025 if all proposed TFL projects get completed.
My name is Phil Teer, I'm the planning partner at st luke's communications. Blogscotch is about hopping from one blog's blogroll to another picking up interesting things along the way.
John was a long time contributor to News of the Weird, coconspirator and eventually primary blogger behind spitting-image.net, and the author of the original and brilliant Overheard Starbuck. Readers of this blog knew John as a generous sharer of information and a keen observer of American culture, and anyone who had the pleasure of receiving his e-mail valued him as a wise and honest friend. John was proud of the accumulation of this site, which shall remain, a spark of light among the constellations. I will dearly miss him."
Overheard Starbuck is worth a look. It does exactly what it says on the tin and is full of gems like this:
"He had motive and opportunity."and this:
"It's almost like not being in a cult at all."